

Registration form of Lean Summit 2024

日期/Date 会议内容/Activity 费用/Fee
June 5th
Workshop (choose one)
No.1:Lean Digital Transformation– Meeting Disruption for Competitive
        Advantage 精益数字化转型—提升企业竞争力
— Chris Thompson
RMB 4000元/人
(英文 / English)
No.2: 适用于中国制造业的简易智慧化模型与实践
         A Digital & AI Model For Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises
— 杨大和教授 Prof. Yang
RMB 4000元/人
No.3: 精益产品与流程开发—快速上市,拓销创利
         Lean Product and Process Development
— 洪郁修教授 Prof. Hong
RMB 4000元/人
June 6-7 2024全球精益高峰论坛 / Global Lean Summit 2024 RMB 6000元/人

发票信息 Invoice: 本公司提供发票名目为“咨询费”。

注:如需专用发票,开具的发票名目为“咨询费”。 The content of vat special invoice is “consulting fee” .
优惠方案(只可择一)Preferential treatment (Choose one):
  1. 2024年4月30日前(含)报名并付款,可享受9折优惠;
    10% discount for registration and payment before April 30th;
  2. 同一公司团体报名同一项目5人或以上,可享受9折优惠;;
    10% discount for five people or above register for one event from one company;
  3. 一人报名6月5~7日培训与峰会2个项目,可享受9折优惠;
    10% discount for any one register for all courses from June 5 to 7;
  4. 注:仅报名培训不享受任何优惠(No discount for workshop only)
报名流程 Registration Process:
  1. 将费用汇款至 (payment to):
    收款单位:精益企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司 (Account name: Lean Enterprise China, LEC)
    银行帐号:交通银行上海分行同济支行 310066344018010014567
          Bank of Communications, Shanghai Branch, Tongji Sub-Branch
  2. 报名表、汇款的底联及专用发票开票信息(如需要)请电子邮件至
    Please Email the Registration Form, Remittance and Vat Special Invoice Information (if need) to
  3. 汇款收到后我们会与您联系,确认报名成功。
    Upon receipt of the payment, we will contact you to confirm the registration.
  4. 联系我们 Contact:都小姐 Angie    021-65979076    18930029382
课程金额:¥ 0