Remote working at SulAmérica

FEATURE – Fourteen months after the beginning of the pandemic, the author reflects on the challenges and opportunities that remote working has brought to this insurance company. Words: Luciana…


Every second counts

FEATURE – As Italy rolls out its vaccination campaign, the author reflects on what he recently observed at a vaccination hub in the Veneto region and discusses how the process could be made leane…


Bringing lean to Nigeria’s small farmers

CASE STUDY – Lean Thinking travels far and wide. Here’s how the experience and insights of an Indiana-based farmer have supported a USAID project to improve outcomes for farmers across Nigeria. …



作者:蒋文玉 蔡司光学中国高端定制工厂 卓越运营部经理 全文字数:1700 阅读时间:6 分钟 在之前的几篇专栏里, 我们已经谈到过蔡司的日常管理体系,包括如何进行维持以及如何开展改善。在这一篇专栏文章里,我们…


「自学」是你的最重要能力 后篇

作者:李兆华 全文字数: 429 阅读时间: 2 分钟 4月12日的李老师专栏《重编伴我20年的秘籍(点击可以查阅)》发布之后,接获许多网友询问「「哪里可以买到《学习关照》拜读学习」。 对此我的回答如下: A5版是我…



趙克强博士 全文字数: 2431 阅读时间: 8 分钟 感谢LEI(美国精益企业研究院)安排的四月精益讲座,由前Amazon 负责运营的资深副总,Marc Onetto 先生, 介绍“精益在亚马逊”(Lean at Amazon); 副标题是“精益与…


When digitalization reaches the gemba

FEATURE – During a recent Jishuken workshop, Poland-based Schumacher Packaging experimented with a newly-developed App to quickly create standardized work instructions at the gemba. Words: Remi…


Why is it so hard to do lean without a sensei

FEATURE – Why do lean transformations benefit from the support of a sensei? Michael Ballé discusses how we typically need help to take the emotions out of the work and go down uncomfortable paths…
